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Many thanks for visiting my website. I hope you're amused and maybe a bit intrigued by the panoramic banner above, which is inspired by my recently published first novel.


At this moment, the total number of my publications is 548. If you're curious, this website will help you learn something about them and also about my background.


There are five published books and two others nearly complete. To find out more about them, click on the title above any of the cover images on the right; or click on the My Books tab at the top of this page.


A couple of dozen of my publications are purely scholarly. These are listed on a separate page, which can be visited by clicking the My Academic Pubs tab.


That still leaves many hundred other publications – on a wide variety of subjects in more than 60 periodicals. Please click on the My 500 Features tab to find out about them.


If you'd like to know something about my background, click the My Bio tab.


Then there's the one and only video I ever made – which has attracted more than 4,000,000 viewers worldwide. If you're curious, please click on the My Video tab.